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Ash Dieback

Ash are one of the most prominent trees in the united kingdom and urgent action is needed by the home and land owners of infected trees to ensure they don't become a danger to the public or property.



Ash dieback (also known as Chalara), is a highly destructive disease of ash trees, especially European or Common ash, the UK's native ash species. It is the worst and one of the fastest acting tree disease since the Dutch Elm outbreak in the 1970's, which effectively wiped out all mature elms from the great britain. Contamination in the UK is far beyond the point where the spread of infection can be stopped and as of summer 2020, the disease is known to be present and established in over 60% of the total UK land area, including 96% of Lancashire.



There is no known cure for the disease and it is fatal in the majority of cases.  Once first infected through the leaves or twigs by a process that involves the restriction of water throughout the tree firstly beginning with the tips, the speed at which a tree is overcome may vary with its age.


Young trees die within a couple of years and mature trees usually take longer. However large trees can become dangerous long before they die, so owners must take action to ensure safety, particularly if affected trees are near highways or footpaths.

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